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Washington, D.C.

Part of Operating Certificate No. 23 

Colonial Airlines, Inc. hereby makes application for amendment of the Operations Specifications appearing on the reverse side hereof, as follows: -

1.  This page becomes Page 8.
2.  Paragraph 5(a) revised.  The wording "above the one-engine inoperative ceiling" substituted for, "above the single engine ceiling".

Reasons and supporting data (if insufficient space attach additional page) 

More applicable to all multi-engine aircraft.

I CERTIFY that the statements submitted in connection herewith are true and that I am duly authorized to make this application on behalf of the applicant.



Date ____________________________





The Operations Specifications set forth on the reverse side hereof are APPROVED

Amendment No. 0-4

Effective Date February 20, 1947

Supersedes specifications dated 11/24/45

By direction of the Administrator: 


Acting Chief, Air Carrier Opns, Division

Received for the applicant by:

B. T. Dykes

Vice President, Operations

Date FEB 13, 1947