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[[stamp]] COLONIAL [[/stamp]] REGULATIONS [[stamp]] COLONIAL [[/stamp]]


Section 3421 - Operations Specifications--Airport (cont'd)

(b) If the top of the icing conditions extends above the one-engine inoperative ceiling with the load being carried at the time, the aircraft must at all times be within a radius of 100 miles of an authorized airport where the ceiling and visibility are reported not less than 800-2, 900-1 1/2 or 1000-1.

6. (a) Aircraft shall not let down through moderate icing conditions at airports where weather conditions are less than 800-2, 900-1 1/2 or 1000-1.

(b) Aircraft shall not let down through heavy icing conditions.

7. Aircraft shall not land at an airport where freezing rain, sleet, moderate or heavy freezing drizzle or moderate or heavy wet snow exists at such airport.

8. In applying the above restrictions, the following definitions will govern:

(a) Trace of Ice - An ice accumulation of non consequence, which does not affect the performance of the aircraft but should be reported by air carrier pilots for meteorological purposes.

(b) Light Ice - An icing condition which can be handled safely by the normal functioning of the aircraft's deicing equipment. On encountering light ice, it is assumed that the aircraft can be flown indefinitely provided the de-icing equipment is used.

(c) Moderate Ice - An icing condition which the aircraft de-icing equipment will safely handle but which for practical flight purposes can be considered a signal to the pilot that it is time to alter the flight path so as to avoid operation in that condition.

(d) Heavy Ice - An icing condition which de-icing equipment cannot handle.

Effective date February 20, 1947
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