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Section 3501 - Route Procedure: General (Cont'd.)
which necessitated the emergency decision. Two copies will be forwarded to the Vice President who will, in turn, forward one copy to the Civil Aeronautics Board. (In an emergency, the Captain shall, insofar as practicable, consider the flight the same as an operation over the regular airway and shall be governed by the Regulations outlined under "EMERGENCY PROCEDURE").
8. Planes shall not be flown at altitudes above 12,000 feet except when additional altitude is required because of unexpected weather conditions; nor will planes be flown within less than 1,000 feet of the ground or other obstructions except during approaches takeoffs and landings. Whenever an altitude of between 10,000 ft. and 12,000 ft. is maintained for over 30 minutes or whenever any flight is conducted at or above 12,000 ft., the pilots shall make continuous use of oxygen. Planes with passengers will not be flown above 14,000 ft. except in emergencies. Without exception smoking or any open flame is forbidden aboard the aircraft while oxygen is being used.
9. Whenever possible, turbulent air conditions shall be avoided and flight made at the altitude best suited to the comfort of passengers from the standpoint of temperature and turbulent air. The comfort of passengers is to be considered prior to on-scheduled performance.
10. Instrument and over-the-top flights being conducted in the vicinity of an airport having established regulations for such operations, which have been approved by the Civil Aeronautics Board, shall be governed by such regulations.
11. It is desirable to refrain from low flying regardless of weather conditions. When conditions encountered make it necessary to fly below the authorized minimum for flight underneath, the Captain shall return to or land at the nearest field unless specific authority for the flight to continue on instruments or over-the-top is granted by the Flight Superintendent in charge.

2/1/47       FLIGHT