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[[stamp]] COLONIAL [[/stamp]] REGULATIONS [[stamp]] COLONIAL [[/stamp]]


Section 3502 - Route Procedure - General


An air carrier shall not dispatch an aircraft in air transportation unless the equipment required by the Civil Air Regulations for the particular type of operation involved, is installed in such aircraft and in serviceable condition and, if any part of such equipment become unserviceable in flight, a landing shall be made or, at the next point of intended landing, whichever in the opinion of the pilot and dispatcher is the safest procedure; Provided that the aircraft dispatcher in control of the flight may dispatch or authorize the operation of such aircraft in air transportation to the nearest point where repair or replacement of such equipment can be made if the equipment specified below for the particular type of operation involved is installed in such aircraft and in serviceable condition:


1.  One airspeed indicator.
2.  One altimeter.
3.  One tachometer for each engine.
4.  One oil pressure gauge for each engine.
5.  One oil temperature gauge for each engine.
6.  One manifold pressure gauge for each engine.
7.  One safety belt for each person on board.
8.  Two approved type portable fire extinguishers.
9.  One landing gear position indicator or equivalent facility.
10. One first aid kit.
11. One magnetic compass.
12. One fixed fire extinguisher in each engine compartment.
13. One or more storage batteries of sufficient capacity to operate all radio and electrical equipment.
14. Two of the following units of radio communications.
   One transmitter for two-way communications.
   One receiver for two-way communications.
   One radio range receiver.
15. If such aircraft is a multi-engine aircraft it may be operated with any of the units of equipment in Items 3, 5, or 6 above inoperative; Provided that in the case of Item 5 a cylinder temperature gauge in serviceable condition is installed on the same engine the inoperative oil temperature gauge is installed.


1.  All equipment required for visual-contact day operation.
2.  Forward position lights and continuous white tail light.
3.  Two landing lights.

2/1/47                   FLIGHT