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Section 3601 - General (Continued)

5. (Cont'd)
descent on instruments below the specified minimums shall be in an actual emergency only. In an actual emergency, the Captain is authorized by the Civil Air Regulations, 61.7811, as follows: 

"in emergency situations which require immediate decision and action, to resolve upon a course of action which is required by the factors and information abatable to him. He may, in such situations, deviate from prescribed methods, procedures or minimums to the extent required by considerations of safety. When such emergency authority is exercised, the pilot shall to the extent possible, keep the proper control station fully informed regarding the progress of the flight. He shall submit a written report of any such deviation to his operations manager. The operations manager shall furnish a copy of such report, with his comments, promptly to the Authority."

For the information of Captains, the following is quoted from a Civil Aeronautics Authority bulletin to all Regional Supervisors dated June 30, 1939: - 

"It is appreciated that a finite definition of emergency conditions or the cataloging of every type of an emergency that might arise, would result in a bulky and possibly confusing set of instructions. However, it is believed desirable to give consideration tot he preparation of general instructions for the use of operations and flight personnel under the following conditions: 

(1) A condition calling for immediate action because of mechanical difficulties. 
(a) Engine failure enroute. 
(b) Mechanical failure of appliances (de-icers, inability to extend landing gear, etc.)

(2) A condition calling for immediate action due to meteorological conditions. 
(a) Conditions reported by the pilot

10/28/40 (10/4/39)
