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(a) actual costs when these amount to at least $1,000. and

(b) specific estimate of tabulating costs from some agency such as the service department of the International Business Machines Company here in Washington.

Did you make arrangements for checking the "Executive-Inactive List" and for the sending of questionnaires to those whom you regard as friendly?

I am not yet sure whether I shall be in New York Tuesday morning. If I am, I will call you at home. I spoke to Mr. Luhrsen, and at his request, to Walter Matscheck, R.R.B. Director of Research, about the matters we discussed. Mr. L. would like to help out. He is hesitant, however, in view of present attitudes in Congress. He did not give a final answer and I expect to have a further word with him here on September 23..

Sincerely yours,

M. H. Latimer

