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Of the 6,300 Members to whom the questionnaire was addressed there will be some who will not respond. There is no point in speculating as to how many this may be since, whatever the number is, the gap will have to be filled in from headquarters' records.

The process of establishing the list of members whose records must be secured can best be done in two parts. The former Members records can be worked out while the questionnaire returns are still coming in. The determination of what present Members records need to be filled out can be established only after the cut-off data for questionnaire returns, now fixed for October 15. 

Former Members

The first step in establishing the list of former members whose records are to be secured is to check the file of persons to whom questionaires were sent against the list maintained by Miss Townsend of the membership in A.L.P.A number order. Since the questionare card file must be the number of a former member, or of an executive-innotive member. The name and number of such this memorandus. these cards may be run off on a nineograph. A large card may be easier to handle, and the spacing on the card is intended to be illustrative only.

At the time of establishing the list of former Members, it may save time to include the names of present Members who, it can already be determined, will not return a questionaire. (a) These will be Members other than active Members attached to a Council, who have no valid address filed with A.L.P.A., so that there is no way to get a questionnaire to them; (b) have returned the questionaire without any
notation at all; and (c) have returned the questionaire with a statement that they will not execute it. This will not apply to active Members now attached to a Council, since the Council Chairman will be asked to make a personal effort to see to it that such Members complete the schedule.

After the names and numbers of former Members and Members in the categories mentioned above are listed, together with their A.L.P.A. number, on cards, the cards should be alphabetized.

When the cards have been alphabetized they should be taken to the Financial Records and the following information inserted:

(1) Date of becoming First Pilot. (Item 5 on the card).

This will show from the date on which a Member's dues changed. The amount of dues in the quarter in which the change was made will indicate the date of change, since each of the girls working in the Financial Records has a sheet showing for each day in the quarter the amount of dues prorationed. This proration is based on a 91-day quarter and may be slightly in error for certain quarters, but since the maximum error is a day or two the discrepancy will be of no consequence. In fact, if rough rules of thumb for dating are adopted to speed up the