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The following comparisons illustrate the cost and benefits to a pilot who becomes totally disabled from engaging in any form of employment as the result of the accident or sickness.

                             Commercial                    ALPA
Annual cost to pilot          $135.50           $278.00 to a $300 Copilot
                                                $930.00 to a $1000 Capt.

Monthly payment to            $216.67                    $200.00**
pilot for life

**This ALPA payment will only be made if the disability was incurred (1) in the line of duty, or (2) after the pilot has accumulated 5 years of service, or (3) after the pilot has attained age 50. Further, if the disability was not incurred in the line of duty the ALPA payment may be less than $200. In contrast, the Commercial payment will be made for any disability, however or whenever, incurred.

The following comparisons illustrate the benefits to a pilot who becomes disabled from engaging in his profession, but is able to engage in some other form of employment.

                      Commercial          ALPA
Monthly Benefit        $216.67          $200.00**

** This ALPA payment will only be made if the disability was incurred (1) in the line of duty, or (2) after the pilot has accumulated 10 years of service, or (3) after the pilot has attained age 50. In contrast, the Commercial payment will be made for any disability, however or whenever, incurred.

If after one year, the pilot is able to engage in non-flying employment the Commercial payments cease. If the pilot qualifies for ALPA payments, they will be paid for the reminder of his life.

The cost of the ALPA plan is actually twice the amount shown above since the airline is required to match the pilot's cost. Thus the total cost comparison is:

Commercial                        ALPA
$135.50                  $558 for the Copilot
                         $1860.00 for the Capt.