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601 Seale Ave.,
Palo Alto, Calif.,
August 4, 1948

Capt. A. F. Foster,
Member Interim Ret. Committee,
ALPA, Chicago

Dear Capt. Foster,

I have your statement on the proposed pilots retirement tax.  I want first to congratulate you on the clarity of your presentation.

Generally speaking, I am opposed to this tax, primarily because it is patterned after that of the Railway Brotherhood.  On the other hand, if it is desired by the majority there is no question about its being levied.

If you have a leisure moment will you answer two questions for me?

1.  What is the pilots status if, during, or as a result of a strike, he finds himself without a job?

2.  What is his status if he is disabled or killed as a member of the armed forces during time of war?

Have these two point been considered and dealt with?

Yours truly,

Richard Thornton
Capt. U.A.L. - S.F.O.