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September 15, 1948

Captain Clayton Stiles
28 Squirrel Hill Road
Roslyn Heights, Long Island
New York

Dear Clayton:

Last Friday I received from a Captain Robert A.Stone, one of your colleagues on United, a long series of questions which, as I understood the letter, were put together after a conversation with D.L.B. There were also enclosed three mimeographed pages dated August 5 which were said to have been distributed to all air line pilots. I am having Captain Stone's letter to me copied, but I assume that you have already seen the mimeographed circular. 

I am enclosing a reply to Captain Stone, together with a car-bon copy for D.L.B. I am sending copies to Red and Mike and leaving it up to you three whether you want to release these answers or not. 

I take it for granted that Captain Stone's letter was prepared by some insurance agent. It includes the kind of misreprentation that one might expect from some one who feels personally interested in stopping the proposed pilot's plan, no matter how much misrepresentation may be involved. I thought perhaps you might be interested in sending around a circular correcting, at least in part , the misrepresentations in the August 5 circular, and I am enclosing a brief draft which you may use for that purpose if you care to. I have written this on the assumption that you were not given the opportunity to look at the circular before it was distributed. 

In looking over the draft of the bill in connection with preparing this reply I caught a couple of errors which previously escaped me. One of these was on page 12, and in view of the fact that it was a short page I have had it done over and a copy is