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Maybe I'll be lucky. How will I come out if, instead of 7 more years at $850 per month, I click to the end of 1958?

If that happened you'd have these choices under each plan:

                                    You can take             
                  You can           this annuity          You will get 
                  take im-          per month if          this indemnity
                  mediate           if you wait 4 yrs.    if you wait 14 yrs.   
                  cash of           and 9 months.         and 9 months.

United            $12188               $106                   $197
Pan-American        9404                101                    196
American            7667                 72                    138
Braniff             6164                 77                    148
Eastern             5871                 94                    179

That $12000 under the United plan looks pretty big. Looks like I ought to be able to take it and get a decent annuity without waiting at all.

Well, try and do it.

At 45, you could buy a life annuity of about $45 per month. If you wanted to be sure