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quit flying. Can I get it back if I quit?
No you can't. And it wouldn't be much of a plan if you could. The plan is intended to pay annuities--or give incomes to your wife and minor children if you die. If you could draw your money back every time you quit maybe you could buy another Rolls-Royce while you were young but it's a cinch you wouldn't have any annuity.

And there is another reason. The Social Security Act and the Railroad Retirement Act-- and the ALP A plan--involve the exercise by the Congress, of two separate powers: the apending power and the taxing power. The Supreme Court of the United States said (in 1937) that the exact kind of arrangement in the A.L.P.A plan is OK. Two years earlier, in 1935, the Court said that the first Railroad Retirement Act, which provided what was.