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should be exercised to prevent copies of the plan from immediately falling in the hands of those who will undoubtedly oppose the plan. When the plan is presented to Congress early next year and introduced as a bill, naturally it becomes public property at the time and then any further concern as to the as to the confidential nature of the plan may be dismissed. The Directors are responsible for disseminating information regarding the plan to the pilots in the fullest extent in aiding the Directors to make sure that every airline pilot is aware of the benefits to be obtained from a federally controlled Retirement Plan. All master chairman and senior co-pilot representatives have had copies of the plan since the first Executive Board meeting held in May, 1947 and they should be in a position to give a considerable amount of assistance to the council chairmen who are primarily responsible for giving the individual pilot information on the benefits of this plan. It is important when we appear before Congress with this plan early next year that every pilot understands the plan and its benefits and why he desires a federally controlled Retirement plan. One of the main reasons pilots desires a federally controlled Retirement Plan is that it prevents the employer from cancelling the plan at any time he might wish and, secondly, no present day company sponsored plan provides any survivor benefits. 
There is enclosed a draft of the bill to establish a retirement system for the airline pilots and a folder containing questions and answers on this airline pilots retirement system for your convenience in disseminating information to your fellow pilots. Your Committee at the present time is conducting a study of pilots experience, the results of