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or parents of the deceased, in equal shares. A person who is entitled to share as distributee with an above-named relative of the deceased shall not be precluded from receiving a payment under this subsection by reason of the fact that no such named relative will have survived the deceased or of the fact that no such named relative of the deceased will have been living on the date of such determination. If none of the persons described in this subsection be living on the date of such determination, such amount shall be paid to any person or persons, equitably entitled thereto, to the extent and in the proportions that he or they shall have paid the expenses of burial of the deceased. If a lump sum would be payable to a widow, child, or parent under this subsections except for the fact that a survivor will have been entitled to receive an annuity for the month in which the pilot will have died, but within one year after the pilot's death there will not have accrued to survivors of the pilot, by reason of his death annuities which, after all deductions pursuant to paragraph (1) of subsection (h) will have been made, are equal to such lump sum, a payment to any then surviving widow, children, or parents shall nevertheless be made under this subsection equal to the amount by which such lump sum exceeds such annuities so accrued after such deductions. No payment shall be made to any person under this subsection, unless application therefor shall have been filed, by or on behalf of any such person (whether or not legally competent), prior to the expiration of two years after the date of death of the deceased pilot.

(g) Maximum and Minimum Annuity Totals.-- Whenever according to the provisions of this Act as to annuities, payable for a month with respect to the death of a pilot, the total of annuities exceeds an amount equal to