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These actuaries, along with a third who shall be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall be known as the Actuarial Advisory Committee with respect to the Air Line Pilots' Retirement Trust Fund. The committee shall examine the actuarial reports and estimates made by the Trust Fund and shall have authority to recommend to the Board such changes in the actuarial methods employed in such actuarial reports and estimates as they may deem necessary. The compensation of the members of the committee of actuaries, exclusive of the member designated by the Secretary, shall be fixed by the Board on a per diem basis. 
   (d) The Board shall include in its annual report a statement of the status and the operations of the Trust Fund. At intervals not longer than three years the Board shall make estimates of the liabilities created by this Act and of the revenues to be derived from the Air Line Pilots' Retirement Contributions Act and shall include such estimates in its annual report. 
   (e) The Secretary of the Treasury is directed to pay from the Trust Fund into the Treasury the amount estimated by him and the Board which will be expended during a three-month period by the Board and the Treasury Department for the administration of this Act and the Air Line Pilots' Retirement Contributions Act. Such payments shall be covered into the Treasury as repayments to the Trust Fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred in connection with the administration of this Act and the Air Line Pilots' Retirement Contributions Act. Such repayment shall not be available for expenditures but shall be carried to the surplus fund of the Treasury. If it subsequently appear that the estimates in any particular three-month period were too high or too low, appropriate.