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D. L. Behnoke -2

retirement act from. Although this may be to some an excellent act from someone's viewpoint, I wonder if it meets with the approval of the rank and file of the railway workers? Certainly the provisions of the ALPA plan do not meet with the approval of the rank and file of the air line pilots on Braniff Airways, who are members of Council 42. 

We have talked to pilots on various other airlines in the course of our wandering up and down the airways. What has been the result of ninety percent of our conversations? They have never even heard of this plan! Remember, this plan has been approved!

Believing as we do, as loyal member of the Air Line Pilots Association, that a mistake has been made; we are earnestly requesting that a complete review be made of this plan. It would be certainly seem that somewhere along the line, our democratic process has failed. It would seem that the hurried method used in approving this plan did not actually conetitute a true vote at all. A vote hurriedly made, or ill considered, is worse than no vote at all.

This letter is not written in criticism, but rather as a letter calling to your attention the fact that we believe a mistake has been made. It is in this light that we urge you to do all you can to help us rectify it. 

Enclosed with this letter, you will find a brief of our objections to this plan. This reflects the opinion of all the members. Individual objections are not included. I might add that there are many. We would like to request that a copy of our objections be sent to all councils for their edification. It would seem only right that the bad points of a plan should be pointed out as well as the good points. 

May we hear from you regarding our stand on this Plan? I am very much afraid that if no action is taken our membership will lose considerable faith in their Association. 

With kindest personal regards, I remain 

Very truly yours, 
/s/ W.W. Betts
W.W. Betts, Chairman 
Local Council 42- Bnf
Air Line Pilots Assn.