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Table I            -5-

Approximate costs and benefits of the proposed Air Line Pilots' Retirement Plan, as presently constituted, to a copilot who is employed by an air carrier subsequent to the enactment of the Retirement Act.  (No retroactive credit for military or airline service.)

[[7-column table]]
|         |        |            |              |            |Survivor |     |    
| Years   | Salary |            |              |            | Benefits   |Cost |
| of      | per    | Complete   | Occupational | Retirement| "Insurance |per  |
| Service | Year   | Disability | Disability   | at age 60  | Amount" |Year |

| 1 | $3600 | $200/mo. if incurred in an accident in the course of employment, otherwise, no complete disability during the 1st 5 years. | $200/mo. if the disability is the result of an accident on the job.| $4.00/mo | None      | $279.00 |
| 2 |  4200 |    |     |  8.50    | $48.45/mo |  325.00 |
| 3 |  4800 |     |   | 13.50    |  51.50    |  372.00 |
| 4 |  5400 |    |     | 19.00    |  54.60    |  418.50 |
| 5 |  6000 |    |    | 25.00    | *57.75    |  465.00 |        

Cost to date - $1,859.50

*No children, wife does not receive annuity until age 60.
If he leaves the airline, this "Insurance Amount" is reduced each month and reaches zero at the end of 5 years.

[[7-column table]]
|--| --- | ---               | ---       | ---      |
|6 |$6600|Same as lst 5 years except that after 5 years if you are completely disabled on or off the job  and have an "Employment Relationship" 
to the industry at the time, you receive $200/mo.|Same as for years 1-5*.|$31.50/mo.| 60.95/mo.|$511.50 
|7 | 6600| | | 38.01 | 63.44 | 511.50
|8 | 6600| | | 44.48.| 65.48 | 511.50
|9 | 6600| | | 51.03.| 67.21 | 511.50
|10| 6600| | |***57.50 | **68.75 | 511.50   

Cost to date - $4,417.50

*If occupationally disabled from causes incurred off the job at 9 1/2 years, you do not receive occupational disability payments. However, if your ten years are completed, you receive $200/mo.
**At the end of ten years, he has a "Permanently Insured" status but if he leaves the industry, his "Insurance Amount" will be reduced for each month he is away
***If he quits at the end of ten years voluntarily, he will receive this amount monthly if he is alive at age 60; or he may take about $19.00/mo. at age 50.

Transcription Notes:
first table may need reformatting