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annuity for each month equal to one-half of the pilot's insurance amount.

(e) When there is more than one pilot with respect to whose death a parent or child is entitled to an annuity for a month, such annuity shall be one-half of whichever pilot's insurance amount is greatest.

(f) Lump-Sum Payment

1. It is intended that the aggregate payments under this Act to a pilot and to his survivors shall in no case be less than 3.875 per centum of the compensation paid to such pilot after June 30, 1949. If, at the time of his death, any such pilot will have been wholly or temporarily insured, it is intended that such aggregate payments be not less than $500. It is intended further that if, at the time of his death, a pilot will have been wholly or temporarily insured, the payments to his survivors in the 60 months beginning with the month in which such pilot dies shall in no case be less than (i) 2.7 per centum of the compensation paid to such deceased pilot after June 30, 1949, or (ii) $350, whichever is larger. The Board shall prescribe such regulations and procedures as may be necessary to assure that the intended aggregate payments be made as soon as an exact determination pursuant to these provisions is possible.

2. Any amount which may be payable pursuant to paragraph 1 shall be paid to such person or persons as the deceased pilot may have designated by a writing (in such form as the Board may prescribe) filed with the Board at its Headquarters office prior to his death. If there be no designation, such payment shall be made to the following person (or if more than one there shall be distributed among them) whose relationship to the deceased pilot will have been determined by the Board, and who will have been living on the date of such determination: to the widow (not remarried on the date of the determination) of the deceased; or if no such widow be then living, to any child or children of the deceased, and any other person or persons who, under the intestacy law of the state where the deceased will have been domiciled, will have been entitled to share as distributees with such children of the deceased in such proportion as is provided by such law; or if no widow or widower and no such child and no such other person be then living, to the parent or parents of the deceased in equal share; or if no widow and no such child and no such other person and no parent be then living, to the brothers and sisters of the deceased and to any other person or persons who, under the intestacy law of the state where the deceased will have been domiciled, will have been entitled to share as distributees with such brothers and sisters of the deceased in such proportion as is provide by such law.  A person who is entitled to share as distributee with an above-named relative of the deceased shall not be precluded from receiving a payment under this subsection by reason of the fact that no such name relative will have survived the deceased or of the fact that no such named relative of the deceased or the fact that no such named relative of the deceased will  have been living on the date of determination.  If none of the persons described in this paragraph be living on the date of such determination any amount payable under this subsecton shall be paid to any