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[[2 column table]]
| 6mo. Instrument Check. | Date. 10/10/[[?]]  Sta. LGA  Plane. [[?]] |
| Pilot. M. Gitt | Off   On.    Total. Hood 200 |

[[4 columns]]
|   | U | S | G |

| 1. Preflight inspection and proper use of check list.|   | √ |   |
| 2. Taxing and run-up. |   | √ |   |
| 3. Hooded take-off. |   |   | √ |
| 4. Straight away climb. |   |   | √ |       
| 5. Climbing timed turns right and left. |   | √ |   |
| 6. Steep turns 45 degrees. |   |   | √ |
| 7. Minimum speed maneuvers. |   |   | √ |
| 8. Near stalls and recoveries. |   |   | √ |
| 9. Recoveries from unusual positions. | - | - | - |
| 10. Engine out procedures. |   | √ |   |
| 11. Exceeding normal limits. |   | √ |   |
| 12. Radio tuning. |   | √ |   |
| 13. Orientation method used. (loop) |   | √ |   |
| 14. Station location√  ADF√  VHF√  ML.√ |   | √ |   |
| 15. Following beam.√  Bearing.√  Localizer.√ |   | √ |   |
| 16. Approach procedures. |   |   |   |
|   a. Standard. |   | √ |   |
|   b. ILS. |   | √ |   |
|   c. ADF. |   | √ |   |
|   d. GCA. |   | √ |   |
| 17. Accuracy on final approach. |   | √ |   |
| 18. Pull out procedures. |   | √ |   |
| 19. Landings. |   |   |   |
|   a. Normal |   | √ |   |
|   b. X-wind. |   | √ |   |
|   c. No flap |   | √ |   |
|   d. Single engine. |   | √ |   |
| 20. General handling of airplane. |   | √ |   |
Remarks: ILS work done at HPN.

U - Unsatisfactory           Use other side for additional
                             remarks, if necessary.