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S-Satisfactory -Means "Satisfactory" for the time the pilots has been with the company, taking his past experience into consideration.

B-Borderline -Means "Borderline" for the time the pilots has been with the company. 

U-Unsatisfactory -Means "Unsatisfactory" for the time the pilots has been with the company.

I-Improvement needed- The pilot could be "Satisfactory" for the time he had been with the company, but need further development for Captain status.

On all grades marked "Satisfactory" check will be made in the columns for "Improvement Needed" or "Qualified. On the "Borderline" or "Unsatisfactory" grades, no checks will be made.

Items covering flying experience will be filled in by the Captain after discussion with the pilot, and heed not be exact but may be approximated.
19. Recommendations and Remarks: