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D. During Flight
After reaching the selected cruising altitude observe the following: 
1. Use fuel in accordance with instructions on placard above selector valve.
(a) Keep fuel quantity gauge in operation on tank in use at all times.
2. Mixture   AUTO LEAN for 700 BHP or less, in level flight, otherwise AUTO RICH
3. Oil Shutter-maintain oil temperatures between 140 (Degrees)F (60 Degrees)C  167Degrees (F. Never Exceed 212 (Degrees)F (100 Degrees)C
4. Cowl Flaps- maintain cylinder head temperatures between 120 (Degrees)C 250 (Degrees)F and 230 (Degrees)C (450 Degrees (F)). NEVER EXCEED 260 (degrees Celsius) (500 Degrees F)
5. Cruising:

[[6 columns]]
| Altitude | Economy Cruising 550 BHP/Engine M.P. | Economy Cruising 550 BHP/Engine RPM | Max. Cruising 700 BHP/Engine M.P. | Max. Cruising 700 BHP/Engine RPM | Maximum except takeoff 1050 BHP 2550 RPM M.P. |

| 0 | 31.9 | 1700 | 32.3 | 2175 | 41.5 |
| 2000 | 31.3 | 1700 | 31.8 | 2175 | 40.9 |
| 4000 | 30.6 | 1700 | 31.3 | 2175 | 40.3 |
| 6000 | 29.9 | 1700 | 30.8 | 2175 | 39.7 |
| 8000 | 29.3 | 1700 | 30.4 | 2175 | 39.1 |
| 10000 | 28.2 | 1750 | 30.0 | 2175 | F.T. |
| 12000 | 26.8 | 1850 | 29.5 | 2175 | F.T. |
| 14000 | 25.7 | 1950 | 29.0 | 2250 | F.T. |
| 16000 | 24.5 | 2050 | F.T. | 2325 | F.T. |
| 18000 | 23.4 | 2150 | F.T. | 2325 | F.T. |
| 20000 | 22.3 | 2250 | F.T. | 2325 | F.T. |

1. Landing gear indicator lights     ON
2. Tank Selector     Set to RIGHT FRONT (or to tank containing most fuel)
3. Throttles     Set to approx. 20" Hg.
4. Mixture       AUTO RICH
5. Propeller Pitch   LOW  
6. Carburetor Heat   COLD (Unless icing conditions)
7. Hydraulic Pressure  Should be 650 to 750 p.s.i.
8. Landing Gear        DOWN (Less than 170 mph)
   (a) Check indicator lights   DOWN (green)
9. Tail Wheel     LOCKED
10. Flaps         DOWN (less 115 mph)
    (a) Check for desired flap extension and return control to neutral.

F. AFTER LANDING          
1. Tail Wheel        RELEASED before first turn.
2. Cowl Flaps        FULL OPEN
3. Wing Flaps        UP (then return control to neutral)
4. Idle engine at approximately 800 RPM until head temperatures drop below 205°C (400°F)
5. Mixture Control to  OFF
  (A) After propeller stops, turn ignition and master switches OFF.
6. Set parking brake
7. Tank Selector Valve   OFF
8. Engine Selector Valve OFF