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June 1, 1948

TO: All Flight and Operations Personnel 
FROM: J. Reinke
SUBJECT: Acceptance of PIREPS 

The paragraph shown below is an excerpt from the official minutes of an ATA meeting held February 19, 1948, and is quoted for your information and guidance.

"Acceptance of PIREPS. It was pointed out by the airlines that there was a lack of understanding and uniform interpretation among Weather Bureau personnel in the field as to the official acceptance of pilot reports. The Weather Bureau agreed that circular "N" made it mandatory that piolet reports made within 1 1/2 miles of the airport were official in all except measured ceiling cases, immediately upon receipt by the Weather Bureau from the pilot."

The above has been interpreted by the Weather Bureau to mean that any pilot report, made within 1 1/2 miles of the boundaries of an airport (when the ceiling has been classified as other than measured), shall be considered official immediately upon its receipt by the Weather Bureau --- regardless of whether or not the report is disseminated via CAA tele-type, etc.


cc: Director, Ground Operations
Chief Pilot