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pilots from other air lines should be told to stay home instead of having to be encouraged to come out. If every air line pilot who is domiciled at one of the points just named where National picketing is being carried on will picket one day a month and do what he can with his car, it isn't going to take too long before Mr. Baker won't have any business.

Pamphlets, cards, and book matches which are being sent you for your council meeting are available at Headquarters to every council or ALPA member who feels that he can place them in an advantageous spot to further the strike on National Airlines.

That's about all there is of a general nature. Before closing, I wish to call your attention to Envelope No. 2. In this is a copy of a letter I sent personally to every chairman on August 5, 1948, together with the delinquency record of our Bookkeeping Department, on which is recorded all of the names of the bad standing members of your council who haven't paid their dues and assessments. Needless to say at a time like this ALPA is running full out. With a strike on our hands and everything else that is transpiring, plus the financing of our new Headquarters building, ALPA money must be in the treasury and not in delinquent accounts. Collections must be brought up to date. Before your council meeting breaks up, each council must make certain that they have effective dues collection committees functioning. Let's all get on the runway on this and ALPA will be able to continue to pay its bills and advance on all fronts to meet the destruction-attempting campaigns that are continuously initiated against us by such operators as Baker and ATA and all of their shyster lawyers, broken-down, non-principled representatives who will do anything for a price, and unscrupulous newspaper men, all the hangers-on who are on the pay rolls of the carriers, directly or indirectly, all against the pilots. There is only one motto for ALPA and that is, KEEP FIGHTING AND GET THE JOB DONE. Once we aren't able to keep fighting and we are hobbled by lack of finances so that we can't get the job done, then the days of air line plotting as a profession, are at an end. This will never happen but it can happen if we don't continue to take the delinquent dues and assessment problems by the horns and insist that every ALPA member pay his ALPA bills. It is your prime duty as chairman and that of your  brother councilmen to cooperate with Headquarters to keep the members of your council paid up and in good standing. I know I can count on you. 

Sincerely yours,
D L Behncke
David L. Behncke, President 
