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To All Local Councils - 2      July 27, 1948

Headquarters' Council Co-ordination and Administration Department has done excellent work in placing furloughed and unemployed pilots in new positions, and has established contracts throughout the country that notify Headquarters when and where there is a need for pilots. Unemployed members are kept on a special roster at Headquarters and they receive special mailings whenever job opportunities present themselves.

All of this helps, but even greater assistance could be achieved if the members in the field took a straight square look at the year-end furloughing of copilots problem by cooperating with their junior pilots by taking leaves of absences and vacations during the slack season. There may be some slight inconvenience incurred by so doing, but the satisfaction of knowing that it means food and shelter for some copilot's family who otherwise would be furloughed, should far outweigh that slight inconvenience. 

Let's spread the work around and see if we can't make the 1948-1949 winter furlough rate the lowest it has been for years by virtue of our willingness to cooperate with our brother pilots.

Sincerely yours,


David L. Behncke, 
David L. Behncke, President
