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Project                 Completed status
Copies sent to Follows July 23 for distribution to IFALPA members. Also, have sent you 35 additional copies for distribution at meeting.

2. Lapel Emblem
An art drawing of a proposed lapel emblem has been sent you with rest of IFALPA material. Too costly to reproduce extra prints so you can pass around this original drawing for delegates to see. Be sure to bring it back with you.

3. Badges
Completed. 50 Delegate Badges shipped you with rest of IFALPA material.

4. Official Seal 
Completed and sent to Follows July 23. Now in his possession.

5. Articles of Federation
Rough draft (35 copies) included in shipment of IFALPA material along with 35 copies of transmittal letter explaining why they were not printed. Read this prior to meeting to get the story.

6. Charter of Affiliation
Rough draft (35 copies) included in shipment of IFALPA material and included as part of same project Articles of Federation. The transmittal letter mentioned in Point No. 5 also covers the story on Charter of Affiliation.

7. Retirement Plan
Have sent you 20 copies of booklet on Pension Plan as well as 20 copies of Foster's Talk before the Executive Board. Could furnish no more due to weight factor.

8. Code of Ethics
35 copies of a suggested code of ethics is included in our shipment of IFALPA material to you.

9. Credentials
Sent to Follows on July 23 for distribution to all members of IFALPA

10. Slogan
35 copies of a memorandum from Mr. Behncke on a suggested slogan is included in our shipment of IFALPA material to you.

11. Representation at ICAO Meetings
35 copies of ALPA suggestions on this subject are included in our IFALPA shipment to you.

12. Representation at International Meetings other than ICAO
35 copies on the matter covering ALPA's feelings have been included in IFALPA shipment to you. Also, have sent you 35 additional copies for distribution at meeting.

An art drawing of a proposed lapel emblem has been sent you with rest of IFALPA material. Too costly to reproduce extra prints so you can pass around this original drawing for delegates to see. Be sure to bring it back with you.

Completed. 50 Delegate Badges shipped you with rest of IFALPA material. 

Completed and sent to Follows July 23. Now in his possession.

Rough draft (35 copies) included in shipment of IFALPA material along with 35 copies of transmittal letter explaining why they were not printed. Read this prior to meeting to get the story. 

Rough drafts (35 copies) included in shipment of IFALPA material and included as part of same project on Articles of Federation. The transmittal letter mentioned in Point No. 5 also covers the story on Charter of Affilia-tion. 

Have sent you 20 copies of booklet on Pension Plan as well as 20 copies of Foster's talk before the Executive Board. Could furnish no more due to weight factor.

35 copies of a suggested code of ethics is included in our shipment of IFALPA material to you.

Sent to Follows on July 23 for distribution to all members of IFALPA.

35 copies of a memorandum from Mr. Behncke on a suggested slogan is included in our shipment of IFALPA material to you.

35 copies of ALPA suggestions on this subject are included in our IFALPA shipment to you. 

35 copies on the matter covering ALPA's feel-ings have been included in our IFALPA ship-ment to you.