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NEWS LETTER #3 - 27 July 1948
This development should speedily solve the National Strike and dispose of the usurping pilots without further ado. Another possible solution to the National problem lies in the fact that Colonial Airlines has reportedly made some effort to buy out Baker's stock in National

This month's meetings drew a better gathering and invoked lively discussion on a number of subjects. Concerning the matter of dues and assessments, the following motion was voted on an carried: "That the names, amount owing, and account owed by any member who has made no arrangements to pay ALPA accounts 60 days or more old, be published in each issue of the Council #3 News Letter and read at each regular monthly meeting subsequent to this date and that any errors appearing in the above list, such as the account having been previously settled, be noted in the next issue of the News Letter and read at the next regular monthly meeting."
Another motion was passed unanimously concerning the new uniform.

An intensely interesting ALPA report on the UAL accident at Mt. Carmel is available for reading to interested members at the Council #3 office. This preliminary report also includes a complete recital of TWA's test flights with a Constellation following the emergency landing at Chillicothe. A critical condition was encountered on the test flight when all the CO2 bottles were released into the cargo compartment to simulate a Chillicothe emergency. Two of the crew members aboard passed out - Frank Dubbs, the first officer, and an extra flight engineer. The first pilot was seriously affected but did not lose consciousness. Rapid recovery was effected by opening the cabin auxiliary exits and a cockpit window, which removed the dangerous CO2 concentration. From the evidence at hand to date, it appears that the UAL pilots very likely were overcome by CO2 while carrying out the prescribed emergency procedures to combat a real or false fire warning in the front cargo compartment of the DC-6. At the next council meeting the matter of fires and CO2 will be gone into thoroughly. In the meantime Mr. Behncke requests that if you have a fire, or any other serious trouble, to wire Headquarters describing the incident.

In a talk with a member of the mail and express department, we learn that this department is enthusiastic about the possibilities inherent in air parcel post, which will be inaugurated for the first

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