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June 21, 1948
To All ALPA Members

to stand together, and definitely. A "quickie" fight as many of our campaigns have been doesn't really test the mettle of men, but a long hard battle does and to take them all in our stride is the formula for ALPA's marked and outstanding representing successes. 

When the Presidential Emergency Board reports, Headquarters will write you again and, until then, anything further we may say would be conjecture. 

In the interim, let's all crack our National pilots' strike assessments into the Bookkeeping Department with the zing necessary to put real zip in the National strike battle and show the National boys on the picket lines that we are right by their sides pitching just as hard as they, and show G.T. Baker that his long embattled pilots are supported 100 percent by every member of the Air Line Pilots Association. 

With every good wish, I am 

Sincerely yours, 
David L. Behncke, President
