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To All Active ALPA Members   -4-   January 26, 1948

year, the record of employment agreement making stands as follows:

The American Airlines agreement was the first to be signed in the 1946-47 cycle of employment agreement making. The making of this agreement was beset from all sides by many perplexing and harassing problems. There was internal bickering and factional politics. The ATA's Airlines Negotiating Committee was out with a sharp scythe, hoping to cut a wide swath. Finally, an agreement was signed on April 18, 1947, after one year, nine months, and twenty days of intermittent negotiations, including mediations.  It contained a number of compromises but at least, it was a beginning. 

Next came the signing of the Eastern Air Lines agreement on April 19, 1947. This was the real kick-off for the 1946-47 cycle of ALPA employment agreement making. It set the pattern. A large part of the previous effort was block plays by the opposition and arguments on procedure mostly manufactured by the ATA for purposes of stalling. Getting our own house in order and determining what we wanted in our new agreements consumed its share of time.

So that the average John Q member will gather at a glance what has been done for him during ALPA's last contract-making cycle, completed with the signing of the UAL agreement on January 23, 1948, here is the story:
1947 Employment Agreements and the dates on which they were signed

(Side note on Left)-Thirty-Two Employment Agreements and Amendments Completed. April 18, 1947, to January 23, 1948, 9 Months, 5 Days. 

Airline       Description       Date Signed

American      Agreement         4-18-47
Eastern       Agreement         4-19-47
Colonial      Suppl.Agreement   4-23-47
TWA           Amendment         5-6-47
C&S           Agreement         6-5-47
PCA           Agreement         6-10-47
AOA           Agreement         6-12-47
NWA           Memo.of Agreement 6-13-47
Colonial      Amendment         6-20-47
Braniff       Agreement         6-25-47
National      Agreement         6-26-47
Panagra       Amendment         7-10-47
Mid-Continent Amendment         7-15-47
Northeast     Amendment         7-21-47
Panagra       Agreement         7-23-47
Empire        Agreement         7-31-47
American      Suppl. Agreement
              (Retro.DC-4 Pay)  8-18-47
Continental   Agreement         8-21-47
Alaska        Agreement         8-23-47
Western       Ltr.of Understndg.9-9-47
Eastern       Amendment         9-12-47
Mid-Continent Agreement         9-20-47
Delta         Agreement         10-20-47
AOA           Agreement         10-20-47
Pioneer       Agreement         11-9-47
Northwest     Agreement         11-19-47
Pan American  Amendment         12-9-47
American      Amendment         12-10-47
American      Ardmore Grievance      
              Cases             12-12-47
TWA           Agreement         12-18-47
Western       Agreement         12-19-47
UAL           Agreement         1-23-48

(Side note on the Right)-The 1947 Cycle of Employment Agreement Negotiations and 1946 Groundwork meant a net gain for all the Pilots of more than $10,000,000 for one year,