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GITT Council #28


The following question and recommendation have been received from council NO. 60, EAL-New. Orleans:

WHEREAS, the present laws of the Air Line Pilots Association, International Article VI, Section 1 (a) provides, in part, that:

"The Central Executive Council of the Association shall be composed as follows: Each Local Council having members domiciled in or flying to or through Chicago shall be represented on the Central Executive Council by the Chairman and the senior Copilot member of the Local Executive Council of such Council who shall, when becoming such Chairman or senior Copilot member, automatically become members of the Central Executive Council."

AND WHEREAS the present Laws of the Air Line Pilots Association, International, Article VI, Section 2 (a) provides in part:

"The Central Executive Council shall act as an advisory council, assisting and advising with the President in the carrying out of the policies and programs initiated by the Board of Directors and shall perform such other duties as are specifically stipulated in the Constitution and By-Laws. The Central Executive Council may, from time to time, be granted authority by the Board of Directors to act for and in its stead in the planning of such policies and programs for and in its stead in the planning of such policies and programs which require greater celerity than is possible by the Board of Directors due to its widely scattered membership, and such Council may handle jointly with the President unforeseen emergency situations subject to the approval of the said board."

AND WHEREAS the importance of policy making functions exercised by the central Executive Council has increased of Late by reason of long lapse of time between conventions; by reason of rapidly changing conditions within the air line industry; and by reason of changes in the nation's political situation.

AND WHEREAS the Central Executive Council, as presently constituted, does not adequately represent the widespread member ship of the Association.

AND WHEREAS the flow of authority and direction which should be straight from the membership to the President of the Association is broken up by the functions performed by the Central Executive Council as presently constituted

And whereas Master Executive Council Chairmen, nominally the leaders of and the highest ranking members of the Association on each airline, are not normally members of the central Executive Council. 

THEREFORE Be IT RESOLVED that all pertinent articles and sections of the constitution and By-Laws as revised December 4, 1944, be further revised and rewritten to provide that:

1. The Central Executive council shall be composed of the Master Executive Council Chairmen and the Senior Copilot Representatives of each air line having an Association Organization with the President,