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The President of the Association shall preside as chairman of the Executive Board without vote except to break a tie. The Executive Board shall meet at least two times per year, namely: within the first seven days of February and June of each year. Emergency meetings may be called at the discretion of the President of the Association or on the joint request of any three first pilot members and any two copilot members of the Executive Board. Any regularly scheduled meeting may be waived in writing by a majority of the Executive Board. The President may upon notice to the members postpone, but not waive, any regularly scheduled meeting for not to exceed thirty days. The minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board shall be compiled and issued to the council chairmen within a minimum of 5 working days except, however, any matter deemed by a majority vote of the Board to be of a secretive nature can be withheld until such a time as it is no longer considered secret by a majority vote of the Executive Board. Then at this time it must be immediately issues to the council chairmen.


See Art. VI

Sec. 2 (b) and (c) of the present By-Laws to be inserted with modification. See also Art. 5 of present By-Laws to be modified.