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To ALL ALPA Members - 6 July 22, 1948

We didn't cause this strike, but it's ours to win. There must be no let-up. Headquarters will drive relentlessly to bring the matter to an early successful conclusion in the final step, which is the revocation hearing before the Civil Aeronautics Board. 

In the interim, let us not fall behind, nor become lackadaisical in the payment of our National strike assessments. We must continue to pitch just as hard now as we did at the beginning and continue to demonstrate to G.T. Baker, in this and in every other way, that we don't intend to falter nor lessen the tempo of any of our efforts, and that every air line pilot is 100% in back of the National Airlines pilots in this battle until it ends successfully. The rallying slogan for the National pickets in the air and on the ground is -
This must become the on-to-victory slogan of all air line pilots. And to the ALPA members domiciled at National's division points, don't forget to remember to "GIVE ONE DAY A MONTH TO THE NATIONAL PILOTS ON STRIKE."
With a world of good wishes, I am
Sincerely your,
David L Behncke, President 

P.S. The following information is included in this letter for the purpose of doing everything possible to expedite the success of the "GIVE ONE DAY A MONTH TO THE NATIONAL PILOTS ON STRIKE" plan to bring the National strike to an end at the earliest possible time. There is listed first the cities in which the National pilots are picketing and, immediately opposite, the local telephone numbers of our control points. In the next column there is listed the National pilot in charge. If the one named is not there, he will be represented by someone to answer the control point phone. 

[[3 column table]]
| Control Point | Address Control | Point Phone No. |
| #2 ALPA Office 2012 Ponce de Leon Coral Gables, Florida | Coral Gables 83-3375 | David Burch |

| #4 ALPA Office Room 20 239 West Adams Street Jacksonville, Florida | Jacksonville 5-2836 | Charles Ruby |

| #5 ALPA Office 1215 Royal Street New Orleans, La. | Magnolia 4718 | Earl Marx |

| #7 ALPA Office 825 Amboy Avenue Perth Amboy, New Jersey | Perth Amboy 40272R  | G. Maynard Watkins |

| and Plymouth Hotel New York 19, New York | Circle 7-8100 | " " " |

| #9 ALPA Office 1185 National Press Bldg. Washington 4, D.C. | National 2167 | Larry Cates |
[[/ 3 column table]]