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Pie Chart Showing Percentage Distribution of the ALPA Dollar
(For the Year of July 1946 - July 1947)

[image of pie chart with numbers 1 through 16]

1. General Administrative.... 26.0%
(Supplies, Rent, Printing, Taxes, Postage, Salaries)
2. Contract Negotiations..... 15.4%
3. Flight Pay Loss ...... 11.0%
4. Extraordinary Expense (TWA strike, etc.) 8.3%
5. President's Department..... 5.4%
6. Publicity, Public Relations, Air Line Pilot... 5.2%
7. Convention... 4.8%
8. Education & Organization Department.... 4.7%
9. Local, Central and Master Executive Council... 4.3%
10. Grievance Department.... 4.0%
11. Engineering & Air Safety Department.... 3.6%
12. Washington Office..... 3.0%
13. Council Coordination.... 1.5%
14. Statistical & Research Department... 1.2%
15. Pension Committee.... .9%
16. Executive Board...... .7%