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January 20, 1949

TO: All Pilots

FROM: G.R. Janas

SUBJECT: Summary of Notices on Bulletin Board January 1 to January 15, 1949

1-4-49 G.R. Janas
Listening Watches
Effective 0001 EST, January 1, 1949, all Airport Traffic Control Towers operated by the CAA discontinued listening watches on 6210 kc. 

1-4-49 G.R. Janas
Radio Reports
All flights are requested to report their arrival at ALL STATIONS upon reaching the ramp over the company HF frequency being used. The time need not be included. These arrival messages shall be transmitted blind and need not be acknowledged. 

1-5-49 G.R. Janas
Until further notice, the following New York based Captains will be subject to being "bumped". A. Tiberg, O. Jacobs, L. Barr, T. Ziobro, G. Tougas. (Also, any of the Reserve Captains).

1-7-49 G.R. Janas
Teletype Messages 
It is the desire of the company to keep unnecessary teletype messages to a minimum, especially messages which are not pertinent to our operations since this involves possible violation of FCC regulations. If it is necessary to order food from an intermediate station such as is often done on Flights 30 and 31, it is suggested that this be done when passing through the station northbound. Thus the order can be delivered upon arrival of the flight southbound and will make teletype messages unnecessary. When it is possible to have an adequate meal before departing upon a flight, it should not be necessary to order sandwiches by teletype. The teletype system is being monitored at the present time and it is requested that all pilots carefully consider messages before requesting that they be put on the teletype. 

1-10-49 G.R. Janas
Printing System - DC-3
There has been some doubt as to the manner of operation of the priming system in the G-102s. When the primer is depressed with fuel pressure in the system, a constant flow of gasoline is delivered rather than a single charge. 

1-10-49 G.R. Janas
ILS Monitor
If anyone is interested in the specifications for monitoring of the ILS, please see Miss Owen and she will make the necessary information available to you.