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November 17, 1948

TO:       All Pilots
FROM:     G. R. Janas
SUBJECT:  Summary of Notices to Pilots on Bulletin Board November 1 to 15, 1948

11-1-48 G. R. Janas
East-West Runway, Saranac Lake

The East-West runway at Saranac Lake is now ready for use. However Colonial Airlines will be unable to use this runway, except in cases of emergency, until a survey has been completed on the approaches to the runway. The airport analysis will be ready in the near future.

11-3-48 G. R. Janas
Code Qualification Classes(New York)

The notice posted on the bulletin board dated 9-8-48 explained that the company desired its pilots to demonstrate their ability to receive morse code and they were requested to do so in accordance with the schedule which was posted with the foregoing notice, and that if they did not take advantage of this voluntary period it would be necessary for the company to schedule pilots for this purpose.
During the month of November and thereafter as necessary, pilots will be scheduled to attend qualifying classes in the pilots lounge. At the present time the only requirement is that pilots be able to identify radio ranges and similar identification signals. Should anyone be unable to meet the standards, he will be scheduled for additional periods at the discretion of the Chief Navigator.
The Bermuda crews will, as always, be required to send and receive a minimum of 10 wpm.

11-3-48 G. R. Janas
Non-Revenue Transportation Requests

For your information, a portion of the new regulations governing non-revenue passes for other than company business is quoted below:
"All requests for pass transportation other than company business must be sent to the Executive Office at least two weeks in advance of expected departure date. If the request is approved, that office will issue the Authorization for Transportation Form.
This form can be presented to any ticket office up to thirty minutes prior to the flight departure time by the person who is authorized the transportation.
The accepting ticket agent will complete a pass. The person to whom this transportation is issued must sign the authorization for transportation form at the bottom in space provided. When he checks in for flight departure, the pass rider must sign all coupons of the pass in the presence of the departure agent."
All requests should, as in the past, be submitted through this office.