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January 11, 1949


FROM: G.R. Janas

SUBJECT: Qualification at Provisional Airports 

A training program has been inaugurated to qualify pilots at the following airports which are provisionals for LaGuardia: Hartford, Bridgeport, Westchester, Newark, Philadelphia International. An airplane will be set aside daily for use in this qualification program; departure time 0900. Pilots will be scheduled for this flight just as they are for any regularly scheduled tour and will, of course, be expected to report to the field early enough for the airplane to depart on schedule. Because of the difficulty in scheduling these flights with the minimum of expense, we are trying to have pilots qualify in groups at all of these airports in one day. The purpose of these flights is to familiarize pilots with the obstructions and physical aspects of the airports. Qualification should consist of the following: 

1. Witness one landing from either the Captain's, Co-pilot's or jump seat.

2. Familiarization with the physical aspects of the airport and its approaches. 

It is expected that these flights will consume the whole day and it is planned that the pilots qualify at Newark and Philadelphia International in the morning, returning to LaGuardia for lunch and refueling, with departure time in the afternoon promptly at 1330. Those pilots who recently qualified at Westchester will not have to re-qualify. In regard to the other airports, if you have not landed there within the last month, it will be necessary for you to qualify. 

Upon completion of the flight, sign the qualification slips at the Schedule Desk and submit them to Miss Owen.

G.R. Janas
