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188-40B 71st Crescent
Flushing, New York
December 12, 1949

Mr. David L. Behncke, President
Air Line Pilots Association
3145 West 63rd Street
Chicago 29, Ill.

Dear Dave:

You have been probably reading in the newspapers and most likely have heard directly from other sources about the Colonial Airlines legal entanglements with the Canadian Government.

Enclosed please find a document put out by the Company which I think you will find to be self explanatory. This is the latest development in the case of Colonial Airlines vs. "Uncle Sam", the Canadian Government, et al.

The Company is appearing in Ottawa today in compliance with the attached show cause order from the Air Transport Board of Canada.

I think Mr. Janas has maneuvered himself in a very enviable position if he can only have the patience to sit tight and stop jumping around, we probably will come out of this thing very well. However, if he doesn't sit tight and jumps around as he usually does, the effect can be very serious. The outcome of any serious turn of this situation can and will have far reaching effects. It will make our present problem with trackage agreements, mergers, consolidations, etc., small by comparison.

Would appreciate your watching this development very closely. Thank you for your continued interest in our problems.

With kind regards, I am

Sincerely yours,

Michael A. Gitt
