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To - Members of Council #28
From - Seniority Committee
Subject - Rules for operating seniority section of contract

The following rules are suggested for the operation of the section of our contract pertaining to a reduction in force.

It is primarily an interpretation of the pertinent part of section 17 C and itis not intended to conflict with any portion of the contract. It has not been checked by headquarters for its legality/.

The prerogatives of the pilot as outlined in the attached rules are predicated on the job preference as follows.

1. First pilot - transocean
2. First pilot - Domestic
3. Reserve pilot - Transocean
4. Reserve pilot - Domestic
5. Copilot - Transocean
6. Copilot - Domestic

It must be borne in mind that each step as outlined in the rules must be followed in sequence to have these rules work fairly and equitably.

The committee respectfully requests that they be allowed to explain this report and the reasons for the conclusions arrived at befor any final action is taken in the adoption and putting in effect of these rules.

Respectfully submitted
Seniority committee
Carl Rach - chairman
Michael Gitt
Clifford Robbins