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Council #28
Airline Colonial
Division New York & Syracuse

Date: December 9, 1949
Place: Flushing Y.M.C.A.

Chairman: H. E. Clark
Vice-Chairman: H. Huston
Councilmen: R. Nemmers, G. Tougas, R. Krasky, D. Dionne, W. Crouse

Special meeting called to order at 20:45 by H. Clark. Twenty-five members were present. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the rules for operating seniority section of the contract as outlined by the Seniority Committee, C. Rach Chairman, M. Gitt and C. Robbins.

Minutes of the last meeting were read by G. Donahoe, accepted and passed by all members.

C. Robbins read the report of the "Seniority Committee". Considerable discussion followed by the members on the merits of system seniority relative to base seniority. All members present believed that the report had merit, and a motion was finally made by C. Robbins to send a copy to Headquarters for legality of interpretation of Section 17 c by Seniority Committee relative to a reduction in force. Seconded by E. Taylor. Motion carried.

Motion made by C. Nickerson that after Headquarters has checked the legality of this interpretation, that every member of Council 28 receive a copy and a secret ballot to be mailed to the Executive Council with a deadline date of 10 days to reply. Seconded by T. Ziobro. Motion carried.

More discussion followed.

Motion to adjourn by C. Robbins. Seconded by C. Wenzel

Meeting adjourned at 23:30

Minutes by S. Macklin.