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My problem is: That of $11,261.61 that I earned in 1949, $325.00 of it was for check pilot work. Or $10,936.61 for line flying and $325.00 for check pilot work. Now the By-Laws is moot on the point of [[strikethrough]] whether [[/strikethrough]] weather or not a part time check pilot should pay dues on any [[strikethrough]] part of the [[/strikethrough]] monies he may have earned as a check pilot. I have no objection of paying the dues on any such money. I am merely pointing up that the By Laws are silent on this point. That is as far as I can see. On the other hand, the By Laws clearly provide for payment of dues from check pilot and all other supervisory personell on inactive status, directly [[strikethrough]] ?? [[/strikethrough]] proportion to the amount they deprive regular pilots of work.