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received a favorable ruling that the airline pilot uniform and maintenance thereof (this includes dry cleaning, repairs, etc.) would be a legal deduction. This one item alone will save the airline pilots in the United States over half a million dollars a year. Furthermore, Council #1 pilots who have been called in to be audited have collected from the Government on 1946 and 1947 returns far more than they had to pay out. In other words, I find there has been a tendency to overpay taxes far more than to under-pay taxes.

5. After examining several hundred pilot returns I have concluded that:

a. Many pilots had previous poor tax advice.

b. Many returns were made out with errors.

c. Many pilots overpaid their taxes.

d. Very few were consistent in their ideas about deductions. (This possibly had the tendency to make the Federal people become mote confused than they were).

Therefore, I have set up a permanent tax office in NWA's Council #1 in Minneapolis to -

a. File all income tax returns for a nominal fee. This fee will pay for our Council #1 operating expenses.

b. File all amended returns.

c. Give free tax counsel to all members.

d. Intercede for the member, should the Dept. of Internal Revenue misuse him.

e. Should a large question regarding a possible deduction arise, we will take it through Government channels, through the courts, and, if necessary, to the Supreme Court, to make sure we get a fair and impartial Government opinion.

6. Be it definitely understood that Council #1 will in no way back up a pilot who has in any way attempted to defraud the Government or default on full payment of his income tax. Our Council #1 pilots have an excellent record with the Department of Internal Revenue and it is our intention to keep it that way.

I might add that the above is only a thin outline of our tax activities in Minneapolis, and for your information, was accomplished at a figure of less than $90.00 for one year's activity.

Very truly yours, 
/s/ H.G. Thompson

H.G. Thompson
Income Tax Committee 
NWA #1