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First Pilots

(a) Bid on any vacancy open for system wide bidding.

(b) Displace the lowest ranking pilot in his status at the domicile to which said pilot was assigned immediately prior to being assigned to the domicile at which he was displaced provided said pilot has sufficient seniority.

(c) Displace the most junior pilot on the system providing said pilot has sufficient seniority.

(d) Displace the reserve pilot at present domicile and fly as a reserve pilot at present domicile provided said pilot has sufficient seniority to displace such reserve pilot and in accordance with the number of reserve pilots required as of the date indicated in the letter of notification required in point six (6) of this Letter Agreement.

(e) Remain at the domicile from which said pilot was displaced and fly as copilot until such time as said pilot is able to successfully bid a vacancy on the system.

(f) When a first pilot or reserve pilot is reduced to a copilot he can displace the most junior copilot holding a bid run provided he has sufficient seniority.

4. When a pilot has displaced a junior pilot at a base he shall assume his position of seniority at the next regular time that assignment schedule patterns (tours) are bid.

5. Mutual exchange of bases between pilots of like status may be made providing it is mutually agreeable and approved by both the company and the pilots covered by this agreement. The notice of this change must be posted at least 15 days prior to the effective date of such exchange on all pilot bulletin boards.