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Mr. Gitt
Portsmouth 7-1400
Air Line Pilots Association
55th Street and Cicero Avenue, Chicago 28, Illinois
Affiliated with A.F.of L.
May 12, 1952
Mr. Herbert Huston
Scudders Lane
Rosyln, New York
Re: Judge Simmons' Decision on Gitt Grievance
Dear Mr. Huston
We would appreciate your suggestions on a problem of long standing.
In April, 1950, Judge Simmons denied the grievance of Captain Gitt, which had been based upon the Company's violation of Sections 17(c) and 27(a) of the Agreement. I am attaching a copy of the Decision. This Department has always considered the Decision a miscarriage of justice. Our reasons are in part contained in my June 30, 1950 letter to Judge Simmons, a copy of which is also attached. I further attach for your information a copy of Captain Gitt's letter to Mr. Sayen dated April 21, 1950.
Judge Simmons was asked to reconsider the case and he stated he would do so if the Company was agreeable. For reasons which it is not necessary to discuss, this agreement has not yet been secured.
It probably will be obvious to you upon consideration of the enclosed material that the Decision is grossly unjust to Captain Gitt and by extension to other Colonial Pilots. This injustice is accentuated by the Wendell Crouse case, wherein the Company agreed to compensate him for money lost when he was denied a temporary Bermuda-bid because he was not qualified on the route and equipment.
We would appreciate your contacting Captain Gitt or this office for any further information you may desire and look forward to your suggestions as to what action should be taken.
Very truly yours,
Air Line Pilots Association
Maurice H. Schy
Legal & Conciliation Dept.
cc: C.N. Sayen, President, ALPA
M.A. Gitt
"Schedule with Safety"