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Submission Exhibit No. VI

July 20, 1949

Mr. Branch T. Dykes
Vice President in Charge of Operations
Colonial Airlines, Inc. 
Municipal Airport - Jackson Heights
Long Island, New York

Re: Michael A. Gitt vs Colonial Airlines, Inc.
Grievance ALPA File 372

Dear Sir:

Receipt is hereby acknowledged of Decision rendered by G. R. Janas, Director of Flight Operations, Colonial Airlines, Inc., dated July 18, 1949, in the above-entitled grievance.

In accordance with Section 28 of the Agreement between Colonial Airlines, Inc. and the Air Line Pilots Association, International, effective August 10, 1940, I hereby wish to appeal that Decision, and request and Appeal Hearing thereon.

Please advise me as to the date, time, and place on which this Appeal Hearing will be held.

Very truly yours,