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Capt. Michael A. Gitt
December 1, 1949

I understand that you are one of the 3-men Committee appointed to consider the problem of where a pilot goes when he comes off a temporary vacancy. Therefore, you probably are acquainted with the fact that Capt. Murray last week telephoned Mr. Behncke, Mr. Ulrich and myself in an effort to determine whether he has grounds to file a grievance based upon his being stationed in Syracuse. He was finally informed that inasmuch as he had bid Syracuse in late October or early November, he could not very well grieve the fact that he was sent there. I hope that Capt. Murray's problem is quickly adjusted to his entire satisfaction. However, there are certain elements in his problem which are difficult for me to understand. For example, he furnished the Company with written statements which could have an unfortunate affect upon the outcome of your grievance. As Janas testified before the Adjustment Board, he solicited this statement from Murray; however, Murray did not have to comply with Janas' request. Now, Murray states that he bid Syracuse under protest and only after Janas told him that he would have to go there. As I see it, Murray and Rad have been in complete accord and harmony since last May. 
When did all this "protesting" begin?

Also, in that connection perhaps you can throw a little light on this situation. Janas stated that he did not want you to bid Bermuda because after that temporary vacancy ended you would have to go to Syracuse. Since both Murray and Uttenweiler were senior to you, why was he not equally concerned with their having to go to Syracuse? These are all questions that I should like to have cleared up in order to present your case effectively.

Trusting that I will have a letter from you at your earliest convenience, I close with personal regards. 

Very truly yours,


Maurice H Schy 
Maurice H. Schy
Legal & Conciliation Department 

cc: Sayen