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In your letter you suggested that the only explanation you could offer is that you did not present the case properly. Maury, I do not hold any quarrel with you over how you were prepared or as to how you presented the case. As I recall it, I was very complimentary to you, Mr. Behncke, and the pilot members of the System Board of Adjustment on how ably you prepared and presented your case. So let us not think of excuses, but rather let us think in terms of what is the next step in this battle.

With this thought in mind of, what is the next step, I called you this morning on the telephone. As you were not available I spoke to Clarence Sayen instead. I covered most of the salient points with him, and indicated that from your letter I felt that the Judge had not answered the question which was the basis of our grievance. I also pointed out how sorely we need a victory in a grievance over Colonial. 

In our discussion I asked if he had any suggestions to offer. Mr. Sayen said that headquarters would look into Judge Simmons' decision and see if there were any loopholes or some good valid reason for sending or for presenting the case back to the Judge for reconsideration. The thought has also occurred to me that another expedient would be for the System Board of Adjustment to reconvene with the Judge still a part of the Board, and that they should all go over the case together. I know that both Bob Silver and Stew Macklin have a very personal feeling about this whole matter, and they are just itching to get into the fray in a Board meeting with the Judge. Why couldn't you also be there to present additional arguments? 

In any event I don't feel that all is lost. Let us not conclude this case. Let's all get together and plan the next step in this grievance and carry it forward to a successful conclusion. 

With best regards and best wishes, I am, 

Sincerely yours,

Micheal A. Gitt

cc: D.L. Behncke
C.N. Sayen
R. Silver
S. Macklin