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630 Fifth Avenue New York 20, N. Y.
September 15, 1949

Registered Mail-Return Receipt Requested

Mr. Branch T. Dykes
Colonial Airlines, Inc. 
LaGuardia Field, Hanger #8
Jackson Heights, New York

Mr. T. J. Dunnion
Colonial Airlines, Inc. 
630 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York

Captain Robert B. Silver
27A Elk Court
Hempstead, L. I., N. Y.

Captain B. S. Macklin
33-14 204th Street
Bayside, L. I., N. Y.

Michael A. Gitt vs. Colonial Airlines

At the request of Maurice H. Schy, Legal and Conciliation Department, Airline Pilots Association International, there is transmitted herewith submission papers in the subject case before the Colonial Airlines Pilots' System Board of Adjustment.

The undersigned is transmitting these papers to you acting as a temporary chairman of the Colonial Airlines Pilots' System Board of Adjustment upon the suggestion contained in Mr. Schy's letter of September 7, 1949. At the time the Board convenes in the case it is suggested that a chairman be elected. Until the chairman is so elected, unless there is some objection, the undersigned will perform temporarily the functions of the Board Chairman. 

Yours very truly,

Warren C. Cooper, Jr.
Chairman, pro tem

Submission Papers
Lttr. 9/15/49 - Cooper to Schy

cc: Mr. David L. Behncke
Mr. Maurice H. Schy
Capt. Red Janes