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Mr. John B. Lampe,
Air Line Pilots Association
3145 West 63rd Street
Chicago 29, Ill.

July 19, 1949.

Dear Mr. Lampe:

Enclosed please find a copy of a letter From Mr. G.R. Janas re- my grievance.

As i see it, Mr. G.R. Janas in his decision avoids the whole issue involved. He apparently is dodging the whole issue on purpose with the objective to stall and bog down the whole grievance. Or until such a time as the whole issue no longer is vital. Thus the whole situation will cease to exist and will disappear.

Whatever our next move is, I would like to indicate that this thing had better be closed out in the right way expeditiously or else we had better drop the whole thing and acknowledge our defeat and proceed to lick our wounds now. Janas is really putting the heat on me.

As you no doubt will recall, we discussed a pending violation that the C.A.A. was planning to file on me that was being provoked by Mr. G.R. Janas, well I received it today. Further details will follow in another letter.

Please advise next step. If your suggestion is to follow the book, please let me point out that we have done so up to this time. Although we are willing to go by the book, Mr. G.R. Janas is using his own book and he is altering it to suit the occasion to gain his own objective. I don't have to remind you what his objective is.

Let me also point out that in allowing Mr. G.R. Janas to use our contract arbitrarily, as he is doing, we are now some twenty three days behind in our grievance procedure. Please advise as soon as possible. 

With kind regards and best wishes, I am,

Sincerely yours,

Michael A. Gitt

D.L. Behncke
H.E. Clark