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Captain G. R. Janas, Chief Pilot
Colonial Airlines Inc.
La Guardia Field, Jackson Heights, New York.

June 22, 1949.

Dear Captain Janas, I have your letter of June 21, 1949 in which you state:

"This will confirm to you my oral statement of yesterday that I will be glad to continue the hearing of your grievance, if you so desire, upon a mutually satisfactory date to be arranged between us."

For the record, I would like to state that you place me in a most peculiar position.

1. I file a grievance June 11, 1949.

2. In your letter of June 13, 1949you acknowledge the grievance and grant me a hearing under Section 28 Bart ( a ) Paragraph ( 3 ) of the Agreement at your office on Monday June 20, 1949 at 10:00 A.M. E.D.S.T.

3. I then advised you by return letter dated June 16, 1949 that the date and time was agreeable and that I would be present on the appointed time with Counsel.

At the appointed time, Mr. Lampe of the Legal and Conciliation Department of the Air Line Pilots Association and myself formally presented ourselves for the hearing in your office. After considerable discussion you finally thought you ought to have aid of Counsel. Since you had set the time and date, Mr. Lampe assumed that you would be fully and adequately prepared to hear the case in its entirety especially since he came all the way from Chicago to attend the hearing. Under the circumstances, I can hardly blame Mr. Lampe for not wanting to agree to your suggestion for a recess to a later date. Therefore your letter of June 21, 1949 repeating your suggestion for a continuation of the hearing, places me in the position of having to argue with my lawyer.

It is not my purpose in filing a grievance with the Company to take an unreasonable and arbitrary stand on any question that may arise. In the interest of expediting and furthering this grievance along to a logical and equitable conclusion, I will contact Mr. Lampe a try to get him to meet with you again. Fortunately he has stayed on in New York to take care of some other Association Business. 

I will contact you later in the week if I am successful in prevailing upon him to continue with the hearing

Yours very truly

Michael A. Gitt

Mr. Dykes,
Mr. Lampe,
Capt. Clark,
Mr. Cooper.