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The seniority of the Captain in New York in relation to Captain Murray or Captain Gitt would have been such that no vacancy would have existed at New York at the time of this decrease of scheduled flight time, thus the existing vacancy would have been in Syracuse and would have been Captain Murray. He would then have had to bid the vacancy at Syracuse. 

Schy: Did you discuss all this with Captain Murray?

Janas: I discussed the possibility of his having to go to Syracuse in the Fall and I believe I also informed him that because the bid did not have to close on May 30th that I would extend the bid in order that he could be able to decide whether he did or did not desire to bid on that Bermuda Captain vacancy.

Schy: How many days prior to this did you converse with Captain Murray?

Janas: It was prior to May 30th and prior to May 27th.

Schy: No further questions.

Cooper: I would like to state some points.

Schy: Summary statement - did not wish recorded

Cooper: I would like to have the notes of the hearing show that the Company feels this grievance was filed too late in accordance with the contract. The same point was brought out in the hearing with Captain 

Schy: Are you going to read this into the record?

Cooper: Do you want to argue that point?

Schy: Nothing to argue.

Discussion off the record

Cooper: Assuming the timeliness of the grievance, Captain Gitt filed his Grievance on a violation of the contract or he filed his grievance on not being awarded the bid.

Mr. Cooper stated that he would like to clearly state into the notes of this hearing that the Company asserts that the grievance filed by Captain Gitt dated June 11, 1949, was not timely under Section 28 A (1) of the Contract, insofar as the procedure of the initial bulletining of the bid or the extension of the date by Captain Janas' memo dated May 27, 1949, is concerned.

Discussion off the record
