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Mr. David L. Behncke

from filing his violation against me and conved that thought to the Chief Pilot and that terminated our conversation.

6.  On the 28th of June I met Mr. Benge in the corridor of the Company's office while proceeding to Mr. Dykes's office with the Contract Committee to resume negotiations of our Contract.  I stopped to discuss with him what he planned to do with regard to the pending filing of the violation.  Mr. Benge informed me that the had done nothing about it as yet.  We then touched briefly o the merits of the case, and I was impressed by his lack of a complete knowledge of the affair.  After all he never sat down and discussed the case with me at all.

7.  On July 19, 1949 I received a letter of violation dated July 18, 1949 from the Chief Counsel of the C.A.A.

8.  After considerable thought I felt that I was duty bound to report this violation to the Company.  I called Mr. Dykes, Vice-President of operations and informed him of the letter of violation from the C.A.A. that I just received.  Mr. Dykes suggested that I come to his office the following morning as he would like to study the case.  The following morning I went to Mr. Dykes office and met with him and the Chief Pilot.

9. As a result and at my request for assistance from the Company ( copy of my letter enclosed) Mr. Dykes sent a letter to the Chief Counsel of the C.A.A. disclosing his findings.  Copy of letter to Chief Counsel from Mr. Dykes enclosed.

The interesting thing about this whole affair is, that from the time I flew trop # 30 of May 6, 1949 until the time I received the letter of violation from the Chief Counsel I had no direct communication or contact with the C.A.A. where I was afforded an opportunity to explain my position.  No doubt the Chief Pilot and the C.A.A. had reviewed this whole affair between them but I was never invited to discuss it with anybody.  The first actual direct contact with the C.A.A. that I had was the Chief Counsels letter to me of July 18, 1949.

Dave, anything the Association could to do defend me against this alleged violation would be greatly appreciated.   I am very sorry to have allowed myself to get out on the end of a limb so far.  I guess I must be slipping.  Please advising me what can be done for me as soon as possible as I have a deadline ( July 29, 1949) to meet with the C.A.A. as stipulated in the last paragraph of the Chief Counsel's letter.

I would also appreciate it if you could advise me as to what you think of the Chief Pilots behavior in this affair.

Thanking you in advance for any consideration you could show me I am, With best wishes and kindest regards

Sincerely yours,

Michael A. Gitt

P.S. Attached please find copies of all letters indicated.  Would appreciate Headquarters making copies of the attached letters for its files and returning originals to me with an additional copy for council # 28's files.